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Authors & Read Alouds
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NKSD Elementary Resources: Authors & Read Alouds
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Authors & Read Alouds
Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems
Learn to draw with Mo Willems
Click on the arrows to see all 15 lessons!
Monique Gray Smith
Monique Gray Smith
Monique Gray Smith reads from her picture books each week.
Grace Lin
Grace Lin
Grace Lin, author of Where the Mountain Meets the Moon and Year of the Dog, posts read-aloud and draw-along videos on her YouTube channel.
Draw every day with Jarrett K. Krosoczka
Draw Every Day
Draw every day with the author and illustrator of the Lunch Lady Series and Hey, Kiddo.
James Dean IGTV
James Dean
Author of Pete the Cat books, James Dean records reading and drawing sessions on his Instagram TV Channel.
Storyline Online
Videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations. Books contain supplementary materials.
Write with Kate DiCamillo
Write with Kate
Kate DiCamillo gives weekly writing tips to help young writers. Kate is the author of many beloved titles.
Mary Pope Osoborne
Magic Treehouse
Mary Pope Osborne reads from her Magic Treehouse Adventures! Activities and printables available on this site.
Dav Pilkey at Home
Dav Pilkey at Home
Each week, Dav Pilkey posts new activities and videos featuring your favorite characters!
Bruce Hale's Writing Tips
Bruce Hale
Get writing tips from a favorite author, or enjoy his story time read alouds.
Make & Create